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unarmed truth non-profit

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(At Grillo Services we donate as often as we can locally within Connecticut. However, we also see the need to contribute internationally. We have a personal relationship with the director of this wonderful organization, where 100% of funds go directly to small locally driven projects. Take a look at the Unarmed Truth today and see the positive difference they are making in such a difficult place; Bamiyan, Afghanistan.)

Changing the approach: why local solutions matter -by Courtney Soboleski, with Unarmed Truth

March 14, 2013

One of the elements that continues to highlight nearly every facet of human life is the idea of community. Everyone belongs to one; and most of us belong to several. As these networks have expanded and become global, the world has seen a shift away from traditional identities: human connections have been replaced by abstract, corporate ones, often with an international, rather than homegrown, focus.

This is where we have faltered as a society. Local solutions matter, be it in small-business or in community empowerment. Just think about it: 70% of small business revenues are reinvested back into their own communities as compared to only half that with larger corporations. Likewise, most international NGOs barely direct 10% of their donations to the cause, while locally-driven non-profits channel 100% of their funding into projects in the field.

At Unarmed Truth, we’re that of organization, focusing 100% of our efforts on people. We uphold a local philosophy, reviving culture in post-conflict areas through community development by employing a ground-up approach. We partner directly with communities through micro-grants, resource growth, and education to reverse the effects of underdevelopment. By upholding local identities and engaging in local solutions, our approach accomplishes three important goals: (1) community members invest in their own advancement so that our projects are more sustainable; (2) mutual cooperation increases our impact; and (3) resources go directly where they need to- making us more effective.

We believe in people’s capacity to achieve. That’s why we enable community members to generate their own solutions, increasing their sustainable income in the process.

Lets start working more with people rather than for them. Check out what we’re doing to uphold the vision of the locals involved in our newest project in Afghanistan at www.unarmedtruth.org

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