Custom Soil

Call 203.877.5070 to order or for more information

CU Soil

$103 per yard

‘Structural soil’ is an engineered planting medium which can meet or exceed pavement design and installation requirements while remaining root penetrable and supportive of tree growth.

Bio Retention

$115 per ton

Soils are engineered and appropriate plants selected for the rain garden. The garden is a small bioretention cell in which stormwater is cleaned and reduced in volume once it enters the rain garden.

Rain Garden

$58.50 per yard

Rain gardens are designed to be drained within four hours after a 1” rain event. This is achieved through the use of highly porous planting media and underdrains which carry the cleaned rainwater away from the garden.

Lightweight Roof Planting

$90 per yard

Certified growth media allows specifiers to design projects with success in any region, and for installers to purchase growth media with confidence wherever the project.

Red Ballfield Clay

$75 per yard

The unique aspect of our product is that we can customize a mix to meet the maintenance level and needs of each facility.

Reinforced soil

$50 per yard

All weather, natural turf surface that can be used in a variety of applications from pedestrian walkways and athletic fields to emergency access fire access lanes and “turf paving.”