Follow Us For Our Latest Posts, Tips, & Exclusive Facebook Giveaways Your eyes are bloodshot from staying up late watching HGTV, you Googled “Landscape design ideas” and visited several nurseries researching plants. It’s time to put your thoughts into action. How should you prepare the beds for your new landscape planting? First, you need to look at your soil. Is … Read More
Want a healthy lawn? Topdress the soil with compost.
Spreading just a quarter-inch of compost over existing lawn, commonly called topdressing, replenishes organisms, bacteria and fungi to the soil…
Connecticut Plant Hardiness Zones Have Changed
Did you know that the hardiness zones for Connecticut (CT) have changed? Take a look to see the new zones, which give you new planting possibilities.
How To Mulch Trees – Don’t Make A Mulch Volcano!
Mulch volcanoes occur when you build up mulch around the base of a tree. Mulch volcanoes kill thousands of trees every year, don’t let it kill your trees.
Best Vegetables for a Connecticut Garden With HD Images
Live in the Northeast? We are in Ct and have taken the best garden plants for the region and included them all with HD images and descriptions, enjoy this one.
Making Your Own Compost
Home composting can be very rewarding. Besides having organic compost to use in the garden you are utilizing material that would fill local land fills.
Forget A Pool, Put In A Pond
Everyone has a pool, they are boring. Invest in something worthwhile, and have the pond of your dreams built in your yard. I did and I think everyone should.
How To Mulch: An Idiots Guide
Mulching is fairly simple. All that is required are a few tools and a willing participant. This article will simplify your mulch experience, saving time/money.
Want To Save The Delivery Fee? Order A Dumpster.
Renting a dumpster in Ct? Grillo Services has all sizes of dumpsters, and can even deliver your landscape supplies in them. Milford, Ct location & great prices.
Mulch In The Fall For Healthy Plants In The Spring
Many people don’t realize the necessity that is Fall mulching. We invest heavily in our landscaping and mulching in the Fall will help keep plants healthy.