Grillo Services Charitable Contributions


We are proud to show support for our local schools and other programs that encourage organic farming and a better environment for those in need. There is always an opportunity to help a great cause and we are fortunate to have been able to contribute materials and monetary donations to local initiatives over the last year. Here are a few of the projects we took part in:

    • 22 yards of garden soil provided to United Congregational Church of Bridgeport, CT

    • Rich soil and compost contributions to Rock to Rock fundraising for farming efforts

    • Playground embellishments at The Redwing Pond House Pre-school

    • Mill Rock Farm – 24 cubic yards of Garden Soil to create a farm that grows vegetables to feed the needy

    • Support project “DIGDEEP” with a $250 sponsorship for their 2nd Walk 4 Water this October 5th. (The program estimates a donation of $20 gives one person water for life so we were essentially able to help 12 people in poverty gain access to clean water).

  • We also donated $750.00 to a local child to help fund her fund a trip to Brazil this year to see the Pope. (It cost $2,500.00 for each child to go through St.Margaret Shrine’s travel program at 2523 Park Avenue in Bridgeport, CT).

Thank you to all of our customers who support Grillo Services and make these donations possible in your surrounding communities. We couldn’t do it without you!