Mulch In The Fall For Healthy Plants In The Spring

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Fall Foliage

If you haven’t heard Fall mulching is crucial to plant health. Read on to discover the benefits of mulching in the Fall.


When we think of mulch most of us envision spring time with our flowers blossoming as we welcome the new warm weather. Primarily, that is when mulch is used. With that mindset it is easy to forget that mulch plays an important role in the fall as well. You can mulch anytime in the fall, ideally when trees look like they do above.

Our plants and shrubs here in the northeast are able to cope with the cold of winter. They do need a little help from us though because as we have seen recently, Connecticut winters can be pretty severe.

Think of mulch as a blanket for your plants, shrubs, and ornamental trees. Mulch creates a barrier between the harsh cold and surface snow. By insulating the root system it keeps the temperature much warmer, and actually does the opposite in summer by keeping it cooler. Mulch is most effective when it is piled around the base of the tree or shrub as pictured below.

Mulching in the fall is a simple and effective way to ensure the health of your landscape and garden. Compare the cost of mulching to the cost of replacing some of your prized pieces, and I think you’ll realize it is a good investment.

If fall mulching is something you are going to consider take a look at our mulch selection. There are two separate types; wood and bark mulch. Bark mulches tend to cost a bit more and there is little difference between the two.

Brown, Black, and Red Wood Mulches

Pine, Hemlock, and Cedar Bark Mulches

Also as always take a look at some of our other blog posts for more relevant lawn and garden info.

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